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Our Mission: Love God, love people and make disciples.


God – We believe that there is only one true and living God, who is the source and sustainer of all things. He has expressed Himself to us in time in a threefold manner as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


The Bible – We believe in the Holy Bible (both Old & New Testaments) as the inspired word of God. It is free from all error, complete in its revelation and serves as the final authority for the Christian life and faith.


Creation – We believe that the universal creation is the work of God with humanity being the crown of creation. Human beings (male and female) are created in the image of God possessing intrinsic value and worth. We believe that all human life is sacred and to be treated with the highest dignity.


Baptism – We believe in water baptism as a public profession of a person’s faith in Christ. We believe that according to scripture, this baptism includes complete immersion and is administered in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Jesus Christ – We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God; the visible expression of the Invisible God; the only begotten Son of God and the only way to God. He is the mediator of eternal life for all who believe in His name.  We believe that Jesus Christ is God who came into time to redeem us from our sins.


Salvation – We believe that salvation is the eternal plan of God for humankind to experience fullness of peace, prosperity and blessings. This plan is now realized through the shed blood of Jesus Christ and faith in Him.


The Holy Spirit – We believe that the Holy Spirit is God Himself living within the spirit of the believer. The role of the Holy Spirit is to equip and empower the believer on their journey to becoming the perfect reflection of Jesus Christ .  We believe in the infilling of the Holy Ghost and speaking in tongues.

The Church – We believe that the church is the global community of all those who have confessed Jesus Christ as their Lord; repented of their sins and are living the Kingdom life of faith according to the word of God.


The Kingdom – We believe that the Kingdom of God is the universal rule of God both in the heavens and the earth. The church which is the body of Christ has been called out by God to give expression to the reality of the Kingdom’s presence here on the earth.


Marriage – We believe in the sacredness of marriage between a man and a woman.


The End – We believe that the end of the age will be marked by the visible and bodily return of the Lord Jesus Christ. At which time the judgment of all humanity will take place, with the righteous being ushered into eternal life and the unrighteous into eternal death.


On March 24, 1994 a small group of praying believers came together and gave birth to Harvest Time United Church of Jesus Christ.  The vision was to pray for God’s intervention in a community that was experiencing a wave of criminal activities.


The first location was in the Terry Miller Recreation Centre. Over time the church experience prolife growth both numerically and spiritually.  God’s anointing was evident in each service.  Due to the rapid growth in membership the church moved to a larger location which was located at St. Jude Anglican Church.


While at St. Jude; Harvest Time United of Jesus Christ continued to grow. The church became fully established with over 100 members.  The congregation through prayer and fasting petitioned God’s assistance with finding a permanent home. It is evident with the growth that the church required a building of its own.


In 1998 Harvest Time United Church of Jesus Christ purchased their own building located at 725 Balmoral Drive in Brampton, Ontario, Canada.  The Lord has continued to spiritually bless and show favour to Harvest Time. On February 2, 2013 a second location was opened at McCrimmon Middle School to serve the needs of the community on the other side of the city.


This year Harvest Time United Church of Jesus Christ will celebrate twenty-four (24) years of ministry. Harvest Time United is affiliated with various ministries in the United States, The United Kingdom and the Caribbean. Future plans are to align other ministries of the same faith to create an even greater impact across the nation.


Are you curious about how we workship at Harvest Time?


Take a look at this video for a small taste of what to expect from a service at Harvest Time United Church of Jesus Christ.

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